I’ve loved all things romantic as far back as I can remember. **Read: My Barbie and GI Joe got it on a bit more creatively and a lot more often than most dolls. Despite this, I stayed tragically unaware that books based solely on the existential connection between soulmates and their boner-riddled romances existed until my early twenties. After discovering these fountains of bliss, I kept searching for the sub-genre I wanted even more: A Romance Action Comedy. Like, super heavy on the romance, then exciting action (with minimal violence) and a lot of hilarity. Side note, the acronym for this category would totally be RAC.

Guaranteed, each of my books will close with a leaping-fist-pump happy ending, and not just for the characters. I want you the reader to feel joyful, and empowered to achieve anything you want. Because screw anybody who says you can’t.